Meaning Without the Creator

Man Teaches, but What Are We Learning?

My thoughts and questions after watching a couple of Eckhart Tolle’s speeches – thanks to him for igniting these reflections.

People teach – often not the worst things. They do it professionally, artistically, and entertainingly. However, after just five minutes of watching and listening, I have some thoughts and questions (as usual 😊):

Without God – the Creator in the picture, everything eventually becomes hollow, whether it’s science, psychology, philosophy, art, creative work, or any activity. Take, for example, the most delicious food prepared by the loving hands of a grandmother. Have you ever noticed the difference between various kinds of bread in the store? You might ask: how is the process of making bread related to God or His absence?

Without the Creator, there is no single starting point, no beginning, and no end-point. Where is the target? Does it even exist? Without the Creator, there is no true source of energy, no purpose, and no completeness. In this state, much of what we do and say lacks meaning, no matter how many trendy phrases we use: “awaken,” “stop wanting, start living,” “finding yourself,” “inner peace,” “enlighten yourself,” “enjoy the moment” – so many clever instructions. Yet, we know that these instructions don’t really work. You might be inspired by a brilliant speaker for a moment, but within a few days, that inspiration fades. Why?
Think about the 12 years of instructions you received in school – how many do you remember or apply in your life? Probably close to none. How many of them have helped you achieve happiness in life?

It seems that Eckhart is trying hard to avoid acknowledging Him. As a result, many of the words he uses lack foundation and meaning: consciousness, space, the consciousness of the universe, the sense of space, awareness, the “I and self” dialogue, and so on. Do these phrases really bring any clarity? Do they help us understand what these entities are and how they work? And the most important question: Why? The simple logic is this – if you freely discuss these subjects and believe, feel, or even claim to know their meaning, then you must admit that they exist for a purpose – that they are not just byproducts of human thought. Then the questions arise: Who created them, and why? But in the end, what do you offer, psycho-coach? Something vague – ‘evolution’… Evolution of what and how? Nobody knows, but everybody uses this fantasy with too much confidence. ‘Evo-lu-tion’ – another buzzword.

With this common approach, we are always led to complications—fragmented words and thoughts that lack a solid foundation. This is why nobody truly follows it. It’s much like why people don’t follow the Bible’s instructions – because it’s not a personal experience, not a personal discovery, and therefore, there is no personal knowledge that transforms into belief. I know, therefore I believe. Very simple, eh?

Common mistakes prove the fragmentation in our lives: there is no answer to the “Why?” – why things are the way they are, and what their purpose is. These thinkers don’t even ask these questions, and I understand why. As a result of this absence of answers to the Ultimate Question of “Why?”, the dominant method of presenting information becomes instructional. But we know well that instructions don’t work – boom! They don’t work! It’s a mess! Ugly! Empty spaces! Remember, Eckhart talks about “finding spaces” – “go find space in your life, or in your consciousness, or while washing hands, or drinking water… or whatever…” – empty thoughts, empty calls, empty lives… No one remembers these proclamations of empty spaces. A hole in the soul and a lack of knowledge about its structure and function. Without the Creator in the picture, there is an ‘empty space’ in our lives.

So, the question remains – what are we going to do about this?

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